
Translating, proofreading, editorial coordination

Building on a combination of skills (trans­la­tion, proof­read­ing, edi­to­ri­al co­or­­di­­na­­tion) and fif­teen years’ ex­­pe­ri­ence, our col­lab­o­rat­ors pro­vide a range of very high qual­i­ty, fast, cus­tom-made serv­ices, in Eng­lish, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Por­tu­guese.

Fast ForWord relies on the ex­per­tise of spe­cia­l­i­zed trans­la­tors in order to handle eve­ry tech­ni­cal and sty­lis­tic con­straint per­tain­ing to the pub­lish­ing or edit­ing of your books, bro­chures, web pages, let­ters and emails (gram­mar and spel­ling, re­writ­ing, ap­pro­pri­ate typo­graph­ic con­ven­tions…).

Fast ForWord’s three guarantees

1. Precision

Our com­pre­hen­sive an­a­lyt­ical ap­proach en­sures the sty­­lis­t­ic co­her­ence and word­ing uni­form­ity of your doc­u­­ments.

2. Swiftness

In order to satisfy the need for very high qual­i­ty trans­la­tion, proof­read­ing and pro­ject manage­ment serv­ices under tight dead­lines, Fast ForWord relies on a net­work of ex­perts fa­mil­iar with your industry.

3. Reactivity

Do you need to make a last-minute ad­just­ment, sub­sti­tute a par­a­graph for an­other, or have your doc­u­ment trans­lated in an hour? We can be reached seven days a week, and strive to an­ti­c­i­­pate po­ten­tial prob­lems, in order to help you handle them early on.

Email us for a free estimate!